أفضل خدمات طب الأسنان

عيادة الدكتور محمود عوض الله لطب وجراحة الفم والأسنان خدمات متكاملة لعلاج جميع مشاكل الفم والأسنان والتجميل بأحدث الأجهزة و الأدوات ضمن بيئة عالية التعقيم.

عناية باللثة

علاج مشاكل اللثة وتحسين صحتها.

زراعة الأسنان المتطورة بأعلى المعايير.

تقويم الأسنان بأنواعه المختلفة.

تبييض الأسنان
علاج الأسنان

عيادة الدكتور محمود عوض الله

نحن نقدم لكم أفضل خدمات طب الأسنان بجودة عالية وتقنيات متقدمة لضمان صحة فمكم وجمال ابتسامتكم.

Several hands hold dental care items including a clear dental aligner, a whitening product in a small bottle, and a storage case labeled 'Candid'. The background is a solid light blue, providing a clean and minimalistic appearance.
Several hands hold dental care items including a clear dental aligner, a whitening product in a small bottle, and a storage case labeled 'Candid'. The background is a solid light blue, providing a clean and minimalistic appearance.



ثقة المرضى

خبرة متقدمة

خدماتنا المتنوعة

نقدم لك أفضل خدمات العناية بالأسنان باستخدام أحدث التقنيات وأعلى معايير الجودة.

علاج الأسنان العام
A dental professional wearing a face mask examines a product brochure. The background contains various dental care products including mouthwash and toothpaste packaging placed on a counter. The setting appears to be a dental clinic with a dental chair visible.
A dental professional wearing a face mask examines a product brochure. The background contains various dental care products including mouthwash and toothpaste packaging placed on a counter. The setting appears to be a dental clinic with a dental chair visible.

نقدم علاج شامل لجميع مشاكل الأسنان لضمان صحتها وجمالها.

A dentist and a patient are in a dental office. The dentist, wearing scrubs, is pointing at a laptop on a mobile dental unit. The patient, seated in the dental chair, is looking at the screen with a smile. The room contains dental equipment and art featuring teeth on the wall.
A dentist and a patient are in a dental office. The dentist, wearing scrubs, is pointing at a laptop on a mobile dental unit. The patient, seated in the dental chair, is looking at the screen with a smile. The room contains dental equipment and art featuring teeth on the wall.
A bright and modern dental clinic room with turquoise dental chairs and equipment. The room is well-lit, featuring a large window with blinds on the right. Cabinets with drawers, decorative plants, and art pieces on the wall enhance its aesthetic appeal.
A bright and modern dental clinic room with turquoise dental chairs and equipment. The room is well-lit, featuring a large window with blinds on the right. Cabinets with drawers, decorative plants, and art pieces on the wall enhance its aesthetic appeal.
تبييض الأسنان

نستخدم تقنيات متطورة لتبييض الأسنان وتحقيق ابتسامة مشرقة وجذابة.

نقدم زراعة الأسنان بأحدث التقنيات لضمان نتائج فعالة وطويلة الأمد.

زراعة الأسنان الحديثة
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

أفضل تجربة تلقيتها لطب الأسنان، أشعر بالراحة والثقة مع كل زيارة لعيادة الدكتور محمود.

أحمد الكيلاني

A dentist is performing a procedure on a patient reclining in a dental chair. The dentist is wearing a protective cap, mask, and gloves while using dental tools. The room features modern decor with geometric patterns on the wall, and there is a dental light overhead. Nearby, there is a table with dental instruments and a monitor on the wall.
A dentist is performing a procedure on a patient reclining in a dental chair. The dentist is wearing a protective cap, mask, and gloves while using dental tools. The room features modern decor with geometric patterns on the wall, and there is a dental light overhead. Nearby, there is a table with dental instruments and a monitor on the wall.

أعجبتني الخدمة المقدمة، تحسنت صحة فمي بشكل كبير بفضل العناية المتخصصة من الدكتور محمود.

منى الحسن

A person in a blue shirt with the logo 'Angels for Humanity' provides dental care to a young patient lying on a dental chair. The setting appears to be a makeshift dental clinic with blue medical equipment and supplies on tables. Other team members in similar attire are visible in the background, some attending to other patients.
A person in a blue shirt with the logo 'Angels for Humanity' provides dental care to a young patient lying on a dental chair. The setting appears to be a makeshift dental clinic with blue medical equipment and supplies on tables. Other team members in similar attire are visible in the background, some attending to other patients.
Two dental professionals are working on a patient seated in a dental chair within a modern dental office. The room has white walls, a large window, and a ceiling light fixture with circular designs. Dental equipment and tools are visible around the chair, and a potted plant adds greenery to the space.
Two dental professionals are working on a patient seated in a dental chair within a modern dental office. The room has white walls, a large window, and a ceiling light fixture with circular designs. Dental equipment and tools are visible around the chair, and a potted plant adds greenery to the space.


استعرض خدماتنا المتنوعة في علاج وتجميل الأسنان.

A clean and modern dental office with a dental chair, stools, and various dental equipment in shades of white and teal. The room features a framed artwork, some potted plants, and a bench along one wall. The environment is well-lit with overhead lighting, and there are multiple cabinets and drawers for storage.
A clean and modern dental office with a dental chair, stools, and various dental equipment in shades of white and teal. The room features a framed artwork, some potted plants, and a bench along one wall. The environment is well-lit with overhead lighting, and there are multiple cabinets and drawers for storage.
A dental professional in a blue uniform and mask is attending to a patient in a dental chair. The dentist is using dental equipment under a bright examination light, while the room has a calm ambiance with pastel-colored walls.
A dental professional in a blue uniform and mask is attending to a patient in a dental chair. The dentist is using dental equipment under a bright examination light, while the room has a calm ambiance with pastel-colored walls.